OZONE Asylum
Brother Fox Calls
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The fox generally eats what's leftover from the days or previous days meals. In this case it was some sort of pasta dish. I tried to take some photos but by the time Mr Fox decided to visit, and he kept a fairly regular timetable, the light was too low for the Canon camera. The Panasonic video camera however, can take videos at a much lower light. I was only at my sisters for a couple of weeks but in that time the foxes seemed to be getting used to my presence, they still would not let me approach to within twenty or thirty yards without scarpering. Unlike a couple of years before when this female, who is probably the mother or grandmother of the young fellah in the video, would let me sit about seven yards away from her. I would take food out with me and wait till she appeared and the I would approach slowly talking softly throwing a titbit or two. The I'd just sit there for what seemed like ages quietly enjoying the company, saving just one last morsel for when I got up to go. It was a magical experience. [img]http://digitao.co.uk/images/foxy_lady.jpg[/img] [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/5635] [img]http://digitao.co.uk/sigs/liquidboogie2.gif[/img] [/url]
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