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Knots and Rope
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I asked about rope some time ago. Soaking the rope that I had did get rid of the smell. Too bad it was manilla and useless. I eventually chucked it. Since then, I've learned a ton of knots. I bought lots of clothes line and used it to learn knots. I almost always have a few short lengths with me so I can keep my hands busy during down time. Quite a few people think I'm crazy, but OMG rope and knowledge of knots comes in damn handy. Constantly using braided nylon for little bundles and to hold various things. A few weeks ago, a 6' length saved the day when I was in a sticky situation with a power cord. Just last week I bundled up a bunch of couch cushions with an alpine butterfly and a sliding sheetbend for quick and easy carrying. Then I proceded to lash the couch in no time at all with various conducive knots for transport. Boom, done deal. I showed Girlie #1 how to make a bracelet out of a single strand and she's been doing that particular braid for various things. Then Girlie #2 was throwing a fit about something, so I distracted her by helping her make a necklace with a double-coin knot and some beads. Not to mention the friendship bracelets all over the place. I've also learned a few things about rope itself. For example, why braided is more expensive than twisted. I didn't think it would make much of a difference, but braided really is much better and worth the extra cost. I've been playing mostly with cotton and nylon. I eventually decided to try some hemp because I've heard so many good things about it. I bought a ball of hemp string. The girlies and I went through it in no time at all. Very happy with the string, I decided to look into hemp rope. I couldn't believe what I found and didn't find. What I couldn't find was braided hemp rope. Every place that I've seen sells twisted hemp at one helluva price. I can't imagine how much braided hemp would cost if I had found any. What I did find was how to treat hemp rope. Not only soak it, but boil it, and several other things ("Epic Hemp Rope Treatment"). I know the braids and I know what size rope that I am comfortable working with. So I bought a ball of slightly larger hemp string and braided my own. Then I treated it. OMG I love this rope. It's so soft and cozy. And, for the diameter, can take quite the strain. But I'm scared to use it for anything serious because its my first hemp rope and has sentimental value. I mean, I spent all night braiding it and the next two days making it cozy. Dun break! Not just that, but it knots kind of funny and a whole different school of knots have to be used, which limits its uses anyways. It's been an awesome learning experience since that first crappy manilla rope. :)
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