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Knots and Rope
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Minor updates Pretty much all of the longer hemp rope that I have braided has been a regular 3-strand braid. But I recently learned the 'whip' braid and I absoutely love it. Plaits. Round plaits? Bloody awesome and I can't wait to get a decent length braided. Gonna macrame Girlie #1 a belt. The preliminaries are awsome and I have a nice collar with a 2 D-ring buckle. It actually took me a few to figure out how to macrame a belt. Well, settle on a pattern that I like, that is. The popular method thas 2 problems that I don't like, so I fixed both in one swoop by tossing in a hitch. I've been getting my hemp string from Walmart where it comes in three sizes. The smallest size has been proving difficult. It is really too thin for anybody over here to want to use it. What to do with really thin string that nobody wants? Well, I made a frame and weaved some. I actually sat and weaved really thin hemp rope. Everybody that I've showed it to thinks that it is absolutely awesome. It really is soft now that it is broken in... and really is just plain awesome. As a result I have been learning more about weaving and looms. I made simple rigid heddle out of cardboard and rocked it with some yarn. Learned about tablet/card weaving and rocked some more yarn. For the tablet/card weaving, I used chair legs for a loom. I just turned a chair on its side and loomed it up. Hahaha. Inkle loom or something. And I have been giving some serious thought to buying a cricket loom. When I get to it, I'm going to carve a shuttle from a paint mixing stick. Heh, gotta love low-tech. I have some small hobby dowels. I used some of these for weaving some hemp cloth. One of these days I'm going to make a plant hanger using said dowels and traditional bondage knots. Free-style some stuff. Then give it to my mother just for giggles. She's got a green thumb and can't resist a plant hanger. I can't help but wonder if she will recognize or think that its my creatively shining through. Heh. In addition to table/card weaving, I've learned about finger loop braiding. OMG more awesome! I can teach this to kids in no time at all and keep them busy. I highly recommend looking into finger loop braiding. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/351]warjournal[/url] on 12-26-2009 07:54)[/small]
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