OZONE Asylum
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Jira *does* meet most of our needs, however, the clients (the Feds) do not like it. Quotes from the demo included, "It's clunky and hard to understand or navigate," and "Well, I'm sure that the developers will be able to use it but it doesn't look like something we could use out of the box." That is to say... the Feds we work for are looking for a system that does all of that but looks, well, prettier. They also weren't enthused about the fact that Atlassian doesn't provide on-site support (something that I've tried to convince them isn't necessary but they're from the old school where everything has an on-site support contract...). Believe me, this is not the first time I've had to go and pick enterprise-level software applications here and they all go like this. That's working with the government. As for making our own PM software, we've made attempts at doing that before. Because the clients are vague with details on what they're looking for outside of the standard features, and because we spent a full-year developing our own .NET framework with complex user & role relationships we're looking to use a COTS package this time to save some time and get a better ROI (one year of 6 peoples full-time development costs != good ROI when you can buy something off the shelf for under $20k and implement it in less than a month with 1-2 people focused on the admin side). - Scott
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