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Okay.. :) http://www.lightworkers-federation.com/ I've implemented : [quote]I would move the navigation onto the content area--a horizontal menu at the top, below the header, would work very nicely, I think. If you're concerned about the menu being too long horizontally, the items could probably be reduced to one word each: About, Library, Feeds, History, News, Solutions, Tutorials, Media, XML[/quote] How do the colors/nav work for you now? I've modified the settings for this, (so that they aren't anymore) : [quote](the last four are the same, of course)[/quote] And of course, I added something here too : [quote]Also, very minor, but the symbols up at the top right of the header are too tempting--I keep expecting them to respond when I click on them, and find myself disappointed when they don't. You think I would learn after a while.[/quote] Now, I find myself with 3500 questions :) Where to begin? And a few notes I'll write here while brainstorming... ...What about a "Google translate" menu with all available languages in the "search / language options" area? And, I'd like to make the "Library" section a hybrid of sorts, in line with both Wikipedia and the rest of the website itself. How does that sound?
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