OZONE Asylum
Getting to know the Grail
Bitrot at the Asylum
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Hah! Here's a funny one: Q: When is $DOCUMENT_ROOT not the root of the document? A: When it's $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]! Ha hah hahha! [cue laugh track] OK, so not so funny, but I'm sick today, and learning Mercurial because I have to. :/ I'm busy building repositories of the http://deepfling.com/ website, so I'm mucking about trying to make http://gurusnetwork.com/ work again while I wait for the clones. I really miss register_globals, truly. And there's about 8000 references to $DOCUMENT_ROOT in the GN site. When Dreamhost stopped supporting PHP4 I was [kinda] prepared, everything was already upgraded to PHP5, but I had a lot of anomalies, and our ecommerce site was flaky until I tracked the last bits down. (I hope I've tracked the last bits down, I meant to say...) Ozones.com was also down! Handson.nu was expired, and now a link-farm! Mostly all fixed now. Mercurial calls to me- come ye, merge with us! Be one with our distributed objects! I hate being sick. Fortunately there are drugs for making me loopy. [b][url=http://www.ozones.com/] Your pal, -doc-[/url][/b]
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