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Thousands of Mail Delivery Failed in the span of a week.
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We were only blacklisted on Yahoo. Everything else I saw was clean. We're using Courier. It seems to keep logs, but I'll be damned if I know how to interpret them. Not even sure if I'm looking at them right. For instance, I used the command line: grep domainname /var/log/exim_mainlog. This returned a lot of stuff that I don't quite understand, but none of it was for the week in question. I tried using sftp under root to directly download the exim_mainlog.2 that [i]is[/i] for the week in question, but I can't open it. Not sure if that's because it's 300 meg file or if it's because it isn't text. [edit]Nevermind. It took forever, but it actually opened. Still can't seem to figure anything out from it though.[/edit] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/950]Red Ninja[/url] on 08-17-2010 18:21)[/small]
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