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Here's the story. Windows 3.1 was made built as-is with GUI. There was a strict programming language used that didn't have flexibility. So Windows 95 was created using C++. It was flexible, stable, and very strict in the capacity that style was involved. I had a class with a guy in LAVC, CA. He taught students not of what he knew about programming, but what he knew about people that were in class. He was sincere. I had my go in C++. Got a 20/25, which I really know is actually 25/25. Jeff Kent just thought it was bizarre. Continuation led me to go into C. I didn't know much about it but I knew how to hack... so i snooped on another persons creative ability to render code without proper syntax that didn't compile. Basically, I just hacked. So... C was really stupified by me. Asians sitting on their labstation in the computer science labs got the credit. Thus, Ubuntu or Debian was born. There's a lot of potential in their coding. I haven't taken time to dedicate most of it to computer science because I mostly had to live a real life paying rent. Era - 1998-2000 ~
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