I've been working on a fun project these past few months.
I got myself a real cheapo 3D printer kit some time ago which was an interesting endeavor in itself to assemble and fine tune but I didn't really have a plan for what to do with it. I guess that's pretty common. I knew I didn't want to just print knickknacks like everyone else though so I was left looking for a more fulfilling project. At some point I discovered www.inmoov.fr which is an open source 3D-printable full size humanoid robot project developed by Gael Langevin. I decided to try building the hand and arm part of it and it was fun for a while but it wasn't everything that I was looking for. Then I saw a video about Fusion360 (a CAD program) on tested.com which really inspired me to try my hand at and start learning 3D modelling in CAD. So I have been 3D modelling, 3D printing, iterating, building, buying too many of the wrong parts online and generally having tremendous fun as often as I can spare a few hours to do it. I decided to design and build my own ridiculous robotic hand. The hand part is somewhat done and I'm working on the wrist now. All the pictures are on my instagram page which you can check out at: https://www.instagram.com/lumikaarel/ It's huge, it's heavy, it's never going to do anything remotely useful but I feel damn proud and I think it's very cool.
Also I have been looking for a good active and supportive community / forum / platform ... anything really online where I could share this project and so far it seems there really isn't anything out there that could compare to what ozoneasylum used to be and feel like at it's peak. At least I haven't been able to find it. Maybe someone here can point me in the right direction.
Although I know the first reply might come in 3 months it feels good to be "home" and create a new thread here