+ MAX's OZONE Asylum Locator Millennium Edition
- MAX's OZONE Asylum Locator Millennium Edition
What is it?
Well, it's a glorified map that shows you where other inmates are located.
How do I get on it?
Currently mr.maX is tweaking the code and when it is ready to get going again the details will be added here.
You will need to use a service like this to find your latitude and longitude:
The Getty Thesaurus of Geogrpahic Names
and you should present you details in this format so mr.maX can add you quickly and easily to the map:
'username', latitude, longitude, 'e-mail', 'web site'
'mr.maX', 44.83, 20.50, '', 'http://www.maxworld.co.yu/'
You can read about it in these threads:
MAX's OZONE Asylum Locator Millennium Edition :-)
MAX's OZONE Asylum Locator Millennium Edition :-) ][
MAX's OZONE Asylum Locator Millennium Edition :-) ]|[
(Edited by: Tyberius Prime on Tue 09-Jul-2002)
+(Edited by mr.maX on 04-14-2009 15:20)