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Can you help me set up a shopping cart on my site? Differences Pages that link to <a href="https://ozoneasylum.com/backlink?for=5021" title="Pages that link to Can you help me set up a shopping cart on my site? Differences" rel="nofollow" >Can you help me set up a shopping cart on my site? Differences\

This can be a tricky business. I highly recommend this to get you started:

Building an E-Commerce Site - 3 part (so far) tutorial into various aspects of setting up a shopping cart.

Relevant links:

osCommerce a full Open Source ecommerce solution.

Zen Cart another Open Source offering with strong emphasis on CSS support.



Mini Shopping Basket with only PHP4 Sessions

Relevant threads:

Perl shopping cart

Shopping Cart

Shopping carts & CC

+Form help


(Added by: Emperor on Sat 25-May-2002)

(Edited by: Emperor on Fri 21-Nov-2003)
+(Edited by velvetrose on 11-17-2004 13:23)

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