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Ripper Report
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Ok Here is the provisional Team for the Ripper report subject to confirmation that people want to go ahead and participate Coding (Client and server side): WarMage;Maninacan Graphics: Zox,Bodhi,POI HTML:Synax/Veneficuz Site Content:WebShamen,Beekay Project management:tomeaglescz,emporer Obviously some areas will overlap such as interface design etc, this is your chance to really work as a team and get the team project idea off the ground to a great start, so thanks to everyone for volunteering and to WS for giving us his site to do. if the graphics guys want to go ahead and post up some interface styles and logo's go right ahead Ok, preliminary work has been done (me and Emps had some exchange previously on the idea). At the moment (this could change) the primary colors are Brown (a dark, rich brown for the background, etc) and Red (not too billiant, or 'bright') for the logo, etc. For the main page : we need to go with a dynamic page (because we are mostly dealing with information here, and need to be updated to the newest stand constantly). We will need the Logo (of course), information on what we are and what we are not, information for copyright (what is, what is not), a good navigation system (of course), perhaps a news service, (ideas, anyone?), of course our copyright area for the site, and anything else one can think of (c'mon, let's hear those ideas, folks!) We will need a Forum...an open area for the 'public', for posting rips, etc, and a 'private' area, for us to work in without involving the public...and anything else that needs done. Also, we need a DB for the graphics...because many rippers take stuff down, then later put them back up...and links can then get broken, so we need a way to store this stuff as evidence. Screenshots are, of course, the best evidence, and that's what we really need...and that must be indicated on the frontpage (or a side page about how to report a rip, maybe?) Also, we need to get linked up with many sites...the more 'exposure' that we have with other communitites, the more impact our site will have...and the more information and help we can offer. We also need a way to 'login' people...and maybe a form area for rip reports... So folks, we are now officially getting started...gentlemen, start your engines! [small][i](Edited by: [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/cgi-bin/ubbmisc.cgi?action=getbio&UserName=tomeaglescz]tomeaglescz [/url] on Tue 25-Jun-2002)[/i][/small] [small][i](Edited by: [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/cgi-bin/ubbmisc.cgi?action=getbio&UserName=WebShaman]WebShaman [/url] on Tue 25-Jun-2002)[/i][/small]
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