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[img]http://www.zeloutis.com/sigs/idiotdk.gif[/img] Are you [i]supposed[/i] to be in here? Probably not...but what the hell... just keep your grubby hands offa my shit! There's not much to know about me... I'm 29*, single, mother of a wonderful son who I could talk about for hours on end. I'm a bit of a recluse, but that's only because I hate most people. It makes making friends a bit difficult but I more in for 'quality' vs. 'quantity'. I [i]really[/i] hate stupid people. I could go on and on about all the different types of people I hate...but I'll spare you. I like to bitch, moan, complain about damn near everything. I'm horribly lazy. I'm a pessimist/realist. I consider myself to be a very open-minded redneck. I think I have a pretty good sense of humor and am horribly perverted, though, that's no fault of my own, [internallink=4626]Emperor[/internallink] corrupted me. Hmmmm....what else.... oh...I cuss like a drunken sailor, but try to keep it toned down...here at the Asylum anyway...and a lil on ICQ. Also, my grammar, spelling and punctuation sucks...as you can see! On the up-side, I love animals and find being a veterinary technician [b]very[/b] rewarding. I've met some very wonderful, intelligent and talented people here at the asylum that I've learned (and am still learning) great things from. Yall know who you are ;) I'm just now also learning how to 'paint' with ps. I find it quite fun and very relaxing. I've got great people that help me quite a bit...again, yall know who you are. Eventually, I'll learn enough that I'll actually be a decent contributor around here. I also really enjoy making sigs...mostly for other people. You can see them all on my [url=http://www.zeloutis.com/asylum.html] Asylum Sigs[/url] page. I love strolling through the photography section and seeing what great pictures everyone's taken. [internallink=5314]Shiiizzzam[/internallink] is definitely an inspiration...love her stuff. Well...that's about all I've got to share at this point. You can kindly get the f**k out now! [small][i](Edited by: [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/cgi-bin/ubbmisc.cgi?action=getbio&UserName=Lacuna]Lacuna [/url] on Fri 08-Aug-2003)[/i][/small]
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