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~~Yannah @somethingleet Quotes~~
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Before coming here Yannah was throw out of [url=http://www.somethingleet.com]somethingleet[/url] for being annoying although at least one SL member felt as JKMabry does: andru: "I love you Yannah. I think I may be the only one, but you'll [i]always[/i] have me." ---- So here are some of her quotes from there: "sorry but i don't even know that word!" - in reply to "I really hope that Yannah is trolling." "is there any payment for registeringfor this site...i didn't read the Agreement note, my bad....is this site free no payments and all of that?" "cos on my profile it says No. of Posts 18 (8.00 per day) what does that mean?" "i just think its a good site! *for us flips, people in that site* yeah it does bore me sometimes no everytime...but well wat can i say?" "i already know that even my eyes hurts when i'm reading my own sig wait i'll change it!" "forgive me for what i've done so sorry...pls, accept this apology for i wanted to be ur friend that u can gain please!" "i wasn't the one who accidentally hated the drawing in the first place i was just replying to the responses above!" "no manga sexy" "it looks cool are u against of catholics?...lol cause I am catholic...Roman catholic....but its cool..!" "can i get some permission to advertise this site not by my own but by a sig or some sort...can i its up to you all!" "sorry.but can i ask u some q? what's Imao stands for?" "ey ur the evil one!" On Avril Lavigne (and we though ~sniff~ she was a fan): "she's a poser...nothing but a poser...punk poser actually" "she's not an individual she got a band!" ----- Favourites: "i dunno! probably because its full of some things?" in reply to "why is this forum site called somethingleet?" ----- Vulgarpt.09 "Hello Andru, where are you?" in reply to "Andru and Dave come here please thread" [small][i](Edited by: [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/cgi-bin/ubbmisc.cgi?action=getbio&UserName=Yannah]Yannah [/url] on Tue 13-May-2003)[/i][/small]
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