OZONE Asylum
Mr. Glum
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So you did dare to get in my personal cell don't you. Now get out and take that nasty smell with you. Shoo Out Out Out. Still here?? Then you should better read my introduction when i posted for the first time at this arty-farty place: [quote] Hello to all, i am new here.... Yeah you saw that already. Actually i am not new. I am just the better part from a inmate with a severe multiple personalty disorder. My aim in life is to nag at people when they deserve it. The fine gentlemen of Statler&Waldorf are very important to my life. But they are not my hero's, i do not believe in hero's. I do not believe anyone could be better than me. You people will not see me very often, only when there is something to nag about. Be warned: i do not like people like me or like anybody else. [/quote] [small][i](Added by: [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/cgi-bin/ubbmisc.cgi?action=getbio&UserName=Mr.+Glum]Mr. Glum [/url] on Tue 20-May-2003)[/i][/small]
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