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This is a "Library" (more like a collection of links, which is what actually this is) that i have/had over [url=http://www.eracreations.net]Era Creations Network[/url], in a small forum about media, like music, coding and graphics. While some of these are already over the Asylum (heck, i even have linked the Asylum in it), it is a good way for me to keep track, constantly update it, and a backup, seeing how ECN is dying. Plus, in any case i ever leave the Asylum (or dissapears), I could always have a constant resource for myself. .... Whatever __________________________________________________________ [b]SOFTWARE[/b] [b]Painting Programs[/b] -[URL=http://www.adobe.com]Adobe Photoshop[/URL] The most popular image editor around. All its functionalities, like all the filters, brushes, alpha channeling and layers manipulation, makes this program an incredible tool. Really good for both beginners and pros. Unfortunately, its cost is quite elevated ($150), but there is always the 30-day trial people cheat to make it long forever. -[URL=http://www.jasc.com]Paint Shop Pro[/URL] Very good image program, but it lacks of some functions. It has a trial version as well. good for beginners and amateurs, but experienced users would notice that it lacks some vital stiff that makes it look not that good. Its interface its quite unatractive and uncomfortable. -[URL=http://www.corel.com]Corel Photopaint[/URL] The image editor i use. It is really nice, and i like some of the stuff there better than in PS, except for some little problems, like you cannot see the true colors of your picture (they look more opaque in there, while the true image looks cleares and higher contrasted), and the fact you cannot get rid of additional alpha layers (not masks) that makes unable to save in a common format (the solution is to copy and paste onto a new file). it comes with Corel Draw package. -[URL=http://www.gimp.org]Gimp[/URL] It is pretty similar to PS, and it has very good functionalities for painting. It is open source, so other guys can colaborate to make it better day by day. -[URL=http://www.hotfreeware.com]20/20[/URL] It is plainly okayish to my eyes. It just allows you to put some bad effects to your images. Some people still use it though. -[URL=http://www.adobe.com]Adobe Illustrator[/URL] One of the best vector-image editor. It is suggested that you have a tablet for working with it. for those who dont know what image vector is, well it is a way to work with image other than pixel based. Each line and stuff is made with vectors, that allow you to keep a real high quality onto them always, no matter how much do you zoom/resize them. If you have seen Flash animations, you may get what i mean. -[URL=http://www.corel.com]Corel Draw[/URL] Another vector-image editor. It lacks of some good stuff, and it is not that easy to understand, but stills being a good program to get the idea on how to work with vectors. it comes with Corel draw package. -[URL=http://www.macromedia.com]Macromedia Flash MX[/URL] As you may know, this allows you to create Flash animations that are easy to export over the net. [b]3d Modelling Programs[/b] -[URL=http://www.discreet.com]Gmax and 3DStudioMax[/URL] 3DStudioMax is one of the best 3d modelling programs around. The most expensive one as well (i think it costs $3000). If you are smart and live ine the US/Canada you should get a student version at a lower prize. Gmax is a stripped down version of 3DStudio Max. It is free, and if you plan on getting 3DStudioMax you should definatly check this out. -[URL=http://www.rhino3d.com]Rhino 3D[/URL] A really nice 3d modelling program. I cannot rememebr all the functionalities it had, but i remember that it was easy to understand. The only problem with the trial version is that you can only save 25 times, so be careful wehn deciding what to save. -[URL=http://www.anim8or.com]Anim8or[/URL] A nice, free 3D Modelling program. No where near as powerful as 3DStudioMax, but its free! I find it handy since it can export as a .3ds, which allows putting custommodels in Warcraft III! =oP[/Jinks] -[URL=http://www.corel.com]Corel Dream 3d[/URL] A reasonably good 3d program that i use. Not really good for texturing, but it is really easy to manipulate. Comes with Corel draw package. -[URL=http://www.aliaswavefront.com/]Maya[/URL] In my opinion, the best 3d program around. Used by the true profesionals, this tool allows you to make godlike stuff. Too bad you will need to have a big budget and a really big knowledge of 3d rendering/modelling and even programming. I dont think most of users here would get it, but it is always good to mention it. [URL=http://www.wings3d.com/]Wings 3d[/URL] A free, open-source 3d modeller. Seems to be good for beginners. I cannot guarantee anything, becoz it does not seem to wrok onto my computer. Any inconveniences, blame Jinks. ; ) [b]Website Creation Programs[/b] -[URL=http://www.evrsoft.com]First Page[/URL] A good Html pages editor that is free and does not screw your code unlike Frontpage. I do admit that i have not tried this one, mostly because i always use the best html editor ever: Notepad. [b]Sound Editing and Music Composing Programs[/b] -[URL=http://www.sonicfoundry.com/]Acid Xpress[/URL] Freeware version of Acid. Music creation program. As far as i remember it just sticks some wavs togheter to compose a track. Good for those who just want to do a quick song. -[URL=http://www.cakewalk.com/]Cakewalk[/URL] One very good music creation software. Most of those lazy ass bastards that dont like to record from a mic true instruments can use it (i am just kidding, it is really good). -[URL=http://www.syntrillium.com/cooledit/index.html]CoolEdit[/URL] Sound editing program. really nice for making a voice sound protoss-ish or any other kind of voice. Good for simple remixes as well. Free 30-days trial allows you to just use two functions at a time. Quite annoying to say the leats, but you can always get the full retail, which is not really expensive. -[URL=http://www.goldwave.com/release.html]Goldwave[/URL] Call it the Psp of sound editing. Good but not excellent and it lacks some important features. The trial version is much better than the above one, since it gives you full functionality. -[URL=http://www.digidesign.com/ptfree/]ProTools Free[/URL] A stripped-down, free version of the sound editor used by professionals in the music industry. It has a very steep learning curve, but it has a ton of features that put SoundForge to shame. Supports up to 8 tracks (mono or stereo, even MIDI) for non-destructive editing. However, it is also CPU-intensive. -[URL=http://www.sonicfoundry.com/]SoundForge[/URL] A non-destructive audio editing tool. Gives a wide variety of tools ranging from CD ripping and burning to editing multiple tracks in a non-destructive manner. -[URL=http://www.anvilstudio.com/]Anvil Studio[/URL] Good MIDI editor around, and it is free. it comes with a nifty tutorial. -[URL=http://www.musicmatch.com]Music Match Jukebox[/URL] Okay, this software wont let you make any edition to sounds, but it does rip CD tracks to wavs/mp3, which can be useful for some people. __________________________________________________________ [b]TUTORIALS AND SITES FOR HELPING/ASSITANCE[/b] [b]Image editing, drawing and illustration[/b] [u]Forums and Digital Drawing/Painting[/u] -[URL=http://www.cgtalk.com]CGTalk[/URL] -[URL=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/]The Ozone Asylum[/URL] -[URL=http://www.conceptart.org/]ConceptArt.org[/URL] -[URL=http://www.cgchat.com/]CGChat[/URL] -[URL=http://www.penciljack.com/]Pencil Jack[/URL] Focused on comics -[URL=http://eatpoo.com/]EatPoo[/URL] -[URL=http://www.portalgraphics.net/]Portal Graphics[/URL] -[URL=http://eatpoo.com/]EatPoo[/URL] -[URL=http://www.teamphotoshop.com]Team Photoshop[/URL] -[URL=http://www.freetoon.com/prestonblair/intro/main.html]Drawing/Animation Tutorial[/URL] -[URL=http://www.gfxartist.com/features/tutorials]GFX Artist Tutorials[/URL] -[URL=http://members.fortunecity.com/superjeroentje/tut/]How To Do A Slutty Looking Girl Like It Was Airbrushed In Photoshop 6.0 With Lots And Lots Of Layers.[/URL] =P -[URL=http://home.earthlink.net/%7Eaantuna1389/egorsontutorial/egorsontut.htm]Ergoson Tutorial[/URL] -[URL=http://www.cgtalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=19651]Frog's Tutorial[/URL] -[URL=http://www.drawthrough.com/tutorials/index.html]Perpectives Tutorial[/URL] -[URL=http://www.epilogue.net/art/tech/]Loads of PS tutorials[/URL] -[URL=http://www.fineart.sk/]Fine Art[/URL] Reference Photos on Human anatomy -[URL=http://div.dyndns.org/EK/tutorial/]Catherine Dinger Painting Tutorials[/URL] -[URL=http://www.sofos.com/adi/tutorial.htm]How to go from paper sketch to PS5+ color render[/URL] (check in this one the note at the bottom =) ) -[URL=http://www.polykarbon.com/tutorials/index.htm]PolyKarbon Tutorials[/URL] (Anime style) -[URL=http://www.timovihola.com/tutorials/tut_1.html]Video Tutorial for painting with PS[/URL] -[URL=http://snaj.free.fr/web/totrial.htm]Coloring Tutorial With PS[/URL] -[URL=http://www.1art.com/tips.htm]Oil painting[/URL] Some of its ideas can be transalted for PS. -[URL=http://www.cardesignnews.com/studio/tutorials/frye/index.html]Car Design Sketching Tutorial[/URL] -[URL=http://poynterextra.org/cp/colorproject/color.html]Color Scheme Tutorial[/URL] [u]Portfolios[/u] -[URL=http://www.artbyfeng.com/]Feng Zhu[/URL] -[URL=http://go.to/seungho]Seung Ho[/URL] -[URL=http://www.anycities.com/user/tarwater]Michael Tarwater[/URL] -[URL=http://www.hawkprey.com/]James Hawkins[/URL] -[URL=http://www.leeillo.com/]Lee Brothers[/URL] -[URL=http://www.planetquake.com/polycount/cottages/crystalmesh3d]Jason Dalton[/URL] -[URL=http://www.planetquake.com/polycount/cottages/kingscastle]David King[/URL] -[URL=http://www.cardesignnews.com/portfolios/cdn_pf_index.php]Car Design Students[/URL] -[URL=http://www5e.biglobe.ne.jp/%7Esolid/Frame1.html]Solid & Etc[/URL] -[URL=http://www.dusso.com/]D U S S O[/URL] -[URL=http://www.binarybonsai.com/]Michael Heilemanns Binary Bonsai[/URL] -[URL=http://arcipello.deviantart.com/]Daniel Conway[/URL] -[URL=http://tommy.cgcommunity.com/]Thomas Wendtner[/URL] -[URL=http://www.complete2.com/]Josh Lewis[/URL] -[URL=http://www.3dluvr.com/ic-art/]Irfan Celik[/URL] -[URL=http://www.3dluvr.com/pascalr/]Pascal Raimbault[/URL] -[URL=http://www.secondreality.ch/]Arild Wiro[/URL] -[URL=http://www.sleepisevil.com/~aaron/]Aaron St.Goddard[/URL] -[URL=http://www.happypencil.com/]Cam de Leon 'Happy Pencil'[/URL] -[URL=http://www.chetzar.com/home.html]Chet Zar[/URL] [u]Photoshop eye-candy filters (those mostly used for 'neat' banners and the like)[/u] -[URL=http://user.fundy.net/morris/redirect.html?photoshop.shtml]PS Tutorials[/URL] More likely to undertsand more the usage of PS -[URL=http://www.absolutecross.com/tutorials/photoshop]Absolute Cross' PS filter tutorials[/URL] -[URL=http://www.go.to/designstudios]Design Studios Tutorials[/URL] -[URL=http://twh.telefragged.com]Telefragged[/URL] -[URL=http://www.geocities.com/nessele]Eric's PS Tutorials[/URL] -[URL=http://www.eyeball-design.com/fxzone/frames02.htm]EyeBall Design PS Tutorials[/URL] -[URL=http://www.eyesondesign.net/pshop/tuts.htm]Eyes on Design Tutorials[/URL] -[URL=http://user.fundy.net/morris/redirect.html?404.html]Yet another Ps Tuts and Plugins[/URL] -[URL=http://www.phong.com/tutorials]Phong Tutorials (PS)[/URL] -[URL=http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials.htm]Photoshop Cafe Tutorials[/URL] -[URL=http://photoshopgurus.info]Photoshop Gurus[/URL] -[URL=http://rainworld.com/psworkshop]PS Workshop[/URL] -[URL=http://robouk.mchost.com/tuts/ps.php]Robouk PS Tutorials[/URL] -[URL=http://www.siteformat.com/tutorials/photoshop]Site Format PS Tutorials[/URL] -[URL=http://www.stridingstudio.com/tutorials]Striding Studio PS Tutorials[/URL] -[URL=http://www.thewebmachine.com]theWebMachine[/URL] Site dedicated to Adobe tools tutorials -[URL=http://www.sharemation.com/cdc/Photoshop%20Tutorials.html]CDC PS Tutorial list[/URL] (give thanks to the OI cow) -[URL=http://www.retouchpro.com]Retouch Pro[/URL] Focused in photo manipulation. Good to learn for PS constests [b]Coding/Programming Tutorials and site for Help/Assitance[/b] -[URL=http://www.gurusnetwork.com/tutorials/coding.html]the Gurus Network Coding Tutorials[/URL] -[URL=http://development.gurusnetwork.com/discussion/]GN Forums[/URL] -[URL=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/]The Ozone Asylum[/URL] -[URL=http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/learning]Learning CSS[/URL] -[URL=http://www.pageresource.com/jscript/index.html]Beginning Javascript Tutorial[/URL] -[URL=http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/lesson1.html]C++ Programming Tutorial[/URL] -[URL=http://cboard.cprogramming.com/]C Programming Board[/URL] There are still some left. I will be adding them later. __________________________________________________________ I am keeping this list open, I am eager to put up any collaboration from other people. Deserved credit will be given. People who collaborated to expand this list: -Jinks -Cdc -Cynon __________________ [i][b]ozphactor[/b]: HTML and UBB code for size and color are disabled... you might wanna remove it.[/i] [small][i](Added by: [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/cgi-bin/ubbmisc.cgi?action=getbio&UserName=Alevice]Alevice [/url] on Fri 11-Jul-2003)[/i][/small] [small][i](Edited by: [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/cgi-bin/ubbmisc.cgi?action=getbio&UserName=ozphactor]ozphactor [/url] on Thu 24-Jul-2003)[/i][/small] [internallink=4643]Tyberius Prime[/internallink]: Actually, there is one UBB code that handles size. [ small ] ;) [small][i](Edited by: [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/cgi-bin/ubbmisc.cgi?action=getbio&UserName=Tyberius+Prime]Tyberius Prime [/url] on Fri 25-Jul-2003)[/i][/small] ------------------ I just copied it and pasted it in the same format it originally was, since it was jsut a backup (and now ECN is dead, which makes me want to explode). I will be editing it in time, so dont worry ;P And that tag sounds a bit...discriminative Hohoho. ----------------- Ok, i edited it a bit. [small][i](Edited by: [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/cgi-bin/ubbmisc.cgi?action=getbio&UserName=Alevice]Alevice [/url] on Sat 26-Jul-2003)[/i][/small] TP: just removing those color tags... [small][i](Edited by: [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/cgi-bin/ubbmisc.cgi?action=getbio&UserName=Tyberius+Prime]Tyberius Prime [/url] on Mon 08-Dec-2003)[/i][/small]
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