OZONE Asylum
Imperial Sigs
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My own feeble attempts at sigs suck but the good people have made me the odd one or two and so I'll store them all here in appreciation and as an example of the range of sigs that can come from one name (luckily for me it lends itself to plenty of interpretation). The first lot were produced in a sig contest and people lked it so much they continued playing around with sigs after the contest finsihed (see resources at the bottom of the page). ----------- [b]Sig Contest:[/b] A fine entry by Amerasu: [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/imagestore/amerasu_asylum_emperor2.gif[/img] And the animated version that was a little too large to enter in the competition: [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/imagestore/amerasu_asylum_emperor.gif[/img] --- db's spiffy entry: [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/imagestore/db_Empstalk.gif[/img] --- The large version of DL's entry: [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/imagestore/dl_emp-sig.gif[/img] --- Ezra-D's oriental feeling sig: [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/imagestore/ezrad_emps2.gif[/img] --- Jung's Pinky and the Brain sig: [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/imagestore/jung_sig_Emperor_sml.gif[/img] --- Lacuna's entry based on a Flash Gordon: [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/imagestore/lacuna_emp.gif[/img] --- Lacuna's other entry based on a conversation we had about the number of Emperor sex toys out there (the quote is from an actual site selling one of the larger numbers): [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/imagestore/lacuna_cleanemp.gif[/img] -- Taobaybees contribution to the Asylum inspirational posters: [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/imagestore/tb_Emps2.gif[/img] ----------- [b]Continuation:[/b] Xpirex produced a great coin sig: [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/imagestore/xpirex_empcoin.gif[/img] which naughty JKMabry tweaked (it was hosted on his sig hosting service): [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/imagestore/xpirex_empcoin_icp.gif[/img] [b]edit by Jason[/b]: I've never seen that abomination in my life. Lacuna and I will now proceed to throttle you. Let the games begin! -------------------------- Relevant FAQs: [internallink=5729]May 2003 (Inmates)[/internallink] -------------------------- Relevant threads: [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/Forum14/HTML/001380.html]Make another inmate a sig [/url] - the continuation of the above sig contest. ____________________ [internallink=4626]Emperor[/internallink] [small][i](Added by: [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/cgi-bin/ubbmisc.cgi?action=getbio&UserName=Emperor]Emperor [/url] on Mon 28-Jul-2003)[/i][/small] [small][i](Edited by: [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/cgi-bin/ubbmisc.cgi?action=getbio&UserName=JKMabry]JKMabry [/url] on Mon 28-Jul-2003)[/i][/small] [small][i](Edited by: [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/cgi-bin/ubbmisc.cgi?action=getbio&UserName=Emperor]Emperor [/url] on Mon 28-Jul-2003)[/i][/small]
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