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Heya folks. *looks around* Nice comfy cell here. Good padding, and I just LOVE the subdued lighting. Really brings out the ambience. I'm a webdesigner, living in the delightful little town of Edmonton, Canada. I'm very vocal ( in a typing sort of way ) about web standards, table-free design, and validation. I'm also a PHP coder, and can hack up the occasional javascript. I'm proficient, yet not expert, with Photoshop, Illustrator, and Wings3D. And I love learning new tricks and tips for everything. Some sites I've created.. Or toys I've messed with: [url=http://twysted.net]http://twysted.net[/url] -- Twysted Methyd, my main site. Because time has little to do with infinity and jelly doughnuts. [url=http://ballisticzen.org]http://ballisticzen.org[/url] -- Ballistic Zen, dedicated to the shoot-em-up genre. [url=http://color.twysted.net]http://color.twysted.net[/url] -- ColorMatch Remix, a color picker that outputs photoshop and illustrator color swatches. [url=http://mail.twysted.net]http://mail.twysted.net[/url] -- Need another free email address? Go right ahead. =) AND! there's MORE! I'm an accomplished balloon artist as well. You might even say I've got a latex fetish (go ahead, check out my gallery on Twysted Methyd), and I'm an afficionado of Anime. Which explains the name. There is method in my madness, you see. Or is that madness in my method? I can never remember. Not only am I warped.. I'm Twysted! [small][i](Added by: [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/cgi-bin/ubbmisc.cgi?action=getbio&UserName=TwystNeko]TwystNeko [/url] on Thu 13-Nov-2003)[/i][/small]
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