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How do I install two hard drives
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It is a relatively straightforward procedure just a little more complicated than adding extra RAM - you just need to be happy with opening up your computer's box and fiddling with things ;) viol provided a good quick overview (based on mounting another hard disk from another computer to grab the information off it): [quote]I'm aware that you should know all of this stuff but anyway, it's quite simple to do it, once we are used to it, and getting used to it takes just once. 1 - open the computer and leave it open for the whole process 2 - set the new hard drive as slave or auto, depending on how the primary one is set - I always use master and slave configuration - your old HD should already be set to master (using a slave, if the current cable has only one HD attached to it, is better than using a second master, because you can save a cable connection to the mobo.) 3 - connect the data cable and the power cable to the HD (even if you connect the data cable the wrong way, the HD will just not work - try the inverse way next time and it will work). 4 - power on the computer, the BIOS and windows should recognize the new drive automatically, then copy all the files you want. 5 - shutdown windows, turn off the computer, undo all hardware changes, close the case, and that's it. People usually are too concerned about static energy, using wrist earthing stuff, etc. I never used this, never had any problem. Just don't touch the circuits of the parts and it should be okay. As you said, it's fairly straightforward. If you are going to leave the new HD permanently, which's not the case here, it's much better to use master-master configuration than master-slave.[/quote] [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/Forum1/HTML/008831.html]from[/url] ---------------------------- Relevant threads: [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/Forum1/HTML/008831.html]Installing another hard disk[/url] ---------------------------- Relevant links: [url=http://www.perfectdrivers.com/howto/seconddrive.html]Adding a second hard disk, DVD, CDRW or other IDE device.[/url] [url=http://www.pcworld.com/howto/article/0,aid,47370,00.asp]Upgrade Guide: Install a Bigger, Faster Hard Drive[/url] [url=http://www.techtv.com/callforhelp/howto/story/0,24330,3322450,00.html]Add a Second Hard Drive[/url] _____________________ [internallink=4626]Emperor[/internallink] [small][i](Added by: [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/cgi-bin/ubbmisc.cgi?action=getbio&UserName=Emperor]Emperor [/url] on Sun 15-Feb-2004)[/i][/small]
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