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Maniac (V) Inmate

From: Charles River
Insane since: May 2002

posted posted 09-30-2003 20:23

Hello there. I signed to that deal from Dreamhost, that last for three days, and now I am testing the host.
I am testing specifically the webmail interface. It's found in I found it to be extremely slow. Once I enter the correct login name and password, it ALWAYS takes several seconds, around 10, to display the next page (Squirrelmail interface). Inside Squirrelmail, everything I try to do takes from 3 to 5 seconds or more. This is unacceptable.
No matter how many times in a row I try to login and log out, the login it always takes that much time to login (by loggin in I mean having the next page completely rendered).
Just as a comparison, my other domain,, that I am reluctant to transfer to this Dreamhost account, has also a webmail interface, that also uses Squirrelmail, and it's blazing fast. So, clearly, it's not my Internet connection's fault, that, btw, is from the University and it's extremely fast.

So, I know there are many Dreamhost users here, do you experiment the same problem, big slowness, when using your Webmail interface from Dreamhost?

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: the space between us
Insane since: Sep 2002

posted posted 09-30-2003 21:50

mhm yeah i also bought that deal and it is slow for me too.....but not that much as you described it there....the mainpage takes about 6 sec to open and inside the menu its about 5-6 sec(thats really slow, you are right, but still not slower than the webmail of my old host )

Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist

From: Inside THE BOX
Insane since: May 2000

posted posted 09-30-2003 22:17

Mine's a bit slow, but not as slow as you've described. Then again, I really only pop in there to clean out the spam before opening Outlook, so I'm not in there that long.

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: out of a sleepy funk
Insane since: Aug 2000

posted posted 09-30-2003 23:05

dreamhost's forum has a bunch of dreamhost users as well, a couple of staffers visit frequently as well as a few users that are old hands on that host

Mine's not that slow, though the squirrelmail at DH has had a spotty history. I don't use it either so it's hard to say much, you'll get better answers on their forum I reckon.

I know that DH has been under DDoS attacks off an on for the last few weeks, that will slow things down considerably until they can shut off access to the machine under attack via their upstream provider (usually handled quickly from what I've seen). You may be experienceing a lag due to that or just plain old webmail sucking factors.


Bipolar (III) Inmate

Insane since: Mar 2002

posted posted 10-01-2003 01:51

It is possible to install your own copy of Squirrelmail, you might want to try doing that or installing another webmail program to see if that speeds things up. Good luck!

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