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Topic awaiting preservation: Search Engine Pages that link to <a href="" title="Pages that link to Topic awaiting preservation: Search Engine" rel="nofollow" >Topic awaiting preservation: Search Engine\

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Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate

Insane since: Aug 2003

posted posted 10-15-2003 21:49

Hello people,
I asked a question a couple of months back regarding a search engine project for my final year in college, well deadline for project proposal is friday, and guess wat i still havent decided whether this is the thing for me to do. Im looking for some opinions from technical people. My idea is an application to load onto a computer, which not only provides search capabilities on the net but also throughout many or one documents on your PC or just through many or one files and folders on your PC. What are the tools I require for this. i have worked with MS Access and Java and Visual Basic already but I am prepared to learn new languages or tools if necessary. So what do ye think? On a sub-note I would also take any other ideas if ye have any, does anyone want me to build them a system for something?


Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers

From: Cell 53, East Wing
Insane since: Jul 2001

posted posted 10-15-2003 22:40

bones: Its an interesting idea but doesn't Window's search already do this?

I have been intrigued by robots and spiders and I think it would be cool to have some kind of robot you could 'set loose' to hunt for pages on a specific topic and it would then send the results home and keep on digging and sending results home.

Or you could have something that would monitor certain web sites or specific pages and it would notify you if there were any changes.

[edit: Oh and if you are interested this might be an interesting side project or you coul look into the whole WMP SDK and see if anything sparks your interest. ]


The Emperor dot org

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