i have apage i've been working on. got he script from i can't remember where but it seems i can't get my links to work that are within the <span><div> tags.
here's the code... maybe you can help me out....
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<!-- start news -->
saturday's the next big day! i put up some more <A HREF="m_index.html">lyrics</a> today.
getting my snare drum tuned. better be done on wednesday so we can have practice thrusday.
x-mas has broken my wallet so i'm not sure how i'm going to pay for my snare fix, but i'm
sure something'll come up.
<HR WIDTH="15%" SIZE="1" ALIGN="left" color="green">
been pRetty busy oVeR tHanksgiVing. ouR fiRst sHow on tHe 23rd was a hUGE success! tHeRe
weRen't tHat many people theRe, but tHat's cuz tHe word ain't out yet. tHe peeps wHo weRe
tHeRe weRe extRemely cool tHougH! tHanks a ton guys and get tHe word out! GIvEN IS GOOD!
don't miss our next <A HREF="shows.html">sHow</a> in montgomeRy at goodtimes!
<HR WIDTH="15%" SIZE="1" ALIGN="left" color="green">
got a few lyRics for tHe <A HREF="m_index.html">music</a> section up. just the coVeR songs
though. gotta RemembeR to get tHe giVen book fRom cHad so i can get some of ouR songs up.
did some moRe foRmatting. 3 moRe days till ouR fiRst <A HREF="shows.html">gig</A>
<HR WIDTH="15%" SIZE="1" ALIGN="left" color="green">
put up links foR moRe <A HREF="m_index.html">songs</a> along witH tHeiR
Respected pages. just need tHe lyRics to input now. got tHe links of the coVeR songs to
stay wHite too. woo Hoo... <br>
also did a little moRe foRmatting to make tHings easieR to Read. along witH a little bit
added to tHe <a href="bios.html">bios</a> section. hafta RemembeR to get the guys
to wRite a little about tHemselves foR the page unless tHey want me to basH theiR Reps.
<HR WIDTH="15%" SIZE="1" ALIGN="left" color="green">
so i'Ve got most of tHe HeiRaRcHy set up foR tHe pages. now i need to get some more
content. tHat'll be up wHen we get some pics and inteRViews tHat i can paste in. i'm not
making any money doing tHis sHit ya know.
<HR WIDTH="15%" SIZE="1" ALIGN="left" color="green">
so Here's tHe no fRills setup of giVen.oRg ... pRetty lame so faR?? ThAT'S BECAUSE IT'S ThE
NO FrILLS vErSION!! come back lateR if you'Re looking foR some Real content.
see tHe <A HREF="shows.html">sHows</A> page foR details on wHen we play.
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