It can't be that this one is simply not possible to resolve?
I stand by the challange for anyone who can crack it.
Is a live example running this code, and how I calculate the z-index now is this way:
This means that -y is the highest point of the shape, and z is the point furthest out forward along the horisontal plane.
If we draw a car facing forward, that would be the front of the vehicle, even if the roof in actuality would be closer to the 'camera' if we see it slightly from above as well.
That's the problem, it messes up the z-indexing.
function point(y, x, a, w, h,x2,y2)
var x1=sphereCos(a,w);
var y1=sphereSin(a,h);
var z=eval(cutData(a)+"+"+90);
var c=-((y*h)*(z/100))/1000;
if(h < 0){c=-((y*(-h))*(z/100))/1000;}
if(x != 0)
if(h >= 0){ x=x-((x/1000)+(y*(h*0.0009)));}
else { x=x-((x/9.9)+(y*(h*0.0009)));}
if(y > 0){y=y-c;}
if(y < 0){y=eval(y+"+"+c);}
if (x >= 0) { for (j=0; j <= x; j++){p1=Math.round(x2 += x1);p2=Math.round(y2 += y1);}}
else { for (j=0; j <= -x; j++){p1=Math.round(x2 -= x1); p2=Math.round(y2 -= y1);}}
if(h >= 0){tY=(((w-h)*y)/100);}
else {tY=(((w-(-h))*y)/100);p2=-p2;}
//How the hell can I extract the correct Z-INDEXING???
if(z > keys[776])
return Math.round(p1-(tY/360))+","+Math.round(p2 + tY)+"; ";
function cutData(arg,arg2)
if(arg < 0){arg=-arg;}
if(arg > 360){ arg=arg-360;}
if(arg > 90 && arg < 270){arg=180-arg; arg=eval(arg+"+"+arg2); return arg;}
else if(arg >= 180 && arg < 270){arg=arg-180;arg=eval(arg+"+"+arg2); arg=-arg; return arg}
else if(arg >= 270 && arg <= 360){arg=eval(arg+"+"+arg2); return arg-360;}
else return eval(arg+"+"+arg2);
function sphereCos(arg1,arg2){return (parseInt(Math.cos(2 * Math.PI * arg1 / 360) * arg2))/160;}
function sphereSin(arg1,arg2){return (parseInt(Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * arg1 / 360) * arg2))/160;}