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Emp: Well, here's what I did: [code] <table class="center" name="Content" id="Content" width=500 cellspacing="10"> <tr> <td>POOH PIC HERE</td> <th><h3>EINSTEIN'S "HAPPIEST THOUGHT</h3></th> </tr> <tr> <td><h3>GRAVITY<br />is<br />ACCELERATION</h3></td> <td><p>"For an observer falling freely from the roof of a house, there exists- at least in his immediate surroundings- no gravitational field. Indeed, if the observer drops some [masses], then these remain to him in a state of rest, or uniform motion...</p><p>The observer, therefore, has the right to interpret his state as 'at rest' [even though he appears to be falling to the rest of us]."</p></td> </tr> </table> [/code] And while it still doesn't want to work correctly in IE 5.2 for MAC 10.2, it DOES work in my newly dled Mozilla 1.1 :p I tried both ways you said and neither changed anything for IE 5.2 But you say it works for you in Windows IE 6.0 hm? Weird. I would think the mac and win ie would be equivalent, but apparently not. Genevieve<---that's me!! Wowzers! o.O Visit my cell! [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/shownode.php?id=754]754[/url]
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