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mm: Tell me about it - I have had all sorts of problems with IE/Mac and Jeni and Steve have been great help in getting to the bottom of things. I'm not sure about the freezing business - I knwo it can struggle to close complex nested DIVs and that adding this (before the final closing DIV) can kick things into gear: <br clear="all" /> [edit: or better: <br style="clear:both;" /> well its worth a try] Just a couple of things to try (I basically can't see anything wrong so I'm just guessing): 1. Try the styles without the @import (worth a go). 2. As much fun as your metatags are try removing the space and hard returns: [quote] <meta name="keywords" content="mikey,milker,zerominuszero,zero,minus,photography,pretentious,asshole,and,one,hell,of,a,guy,red,leaf,lettuce,supercalafragalisticsadomasochism " /> [/quote] 3. Have a go at stripping out those metatags and see if that works. Basically I can't see why those changes would make a difference but it would be what I'd try if it were me. If all else fails we could smash up the Macs (or get MS to release a version of IE/Mac that wasn't so bad). ___________________ Emps FAQs: [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/53/]Emperor[/url]
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