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What is center anyhow
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I've tried <center> except if the table isn?t full, it collapses in on it self, making it really hard to make a table that is 100% in height. And then if you leave the <center> out, the table will expand but no longer be in the center, which really messes up the whole ?center? thing. And then if you wrap the table in a <div align=?center?> the scroll bars can?t figure out what to do. And then you figure if you give up the table all together and just use <div> tags it might work out, right. Wrong, because Netscape thinks that 100% should always be 100% of the entire window instead of 100% of the containing element. Why me? It sounds simple but I?ve trying off and on for literally months now. I?m trying to do something like this... [url=http://efs1.com/hfd/index.htm]http://efs1.com/hfd/index.htm[/url] It works in IE but everything goes to crap in NS and Moz. Any other ideas?
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