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Stupid Basic HTML
No Point to XHTML?
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You don't need to go to Strict you should probabally go to Transition, there is a lot you can not do with Strict. The solution to the afore mentioned problem might have to be that you need to add the "text-align:center;" to the td attribute as opposed to the table. If you apply it to the table you would get a centered table. And not the text, since the text is held in either the td element and not the table element. I think you would find that XHTML at its root is not nearly that complicated Briggl's tutorial over in the coding section of the GurusNetwork is a good place to start it will get you into using XHTML far faster than many other tutorials on the same subject will. XHTML is really not that hard, just try using Transitional DTD instead of the strict, you page will as if magic validate a whole lot easier. I don't know many people who use the Strict DTD just because it is very very Strict. [url=http://www.sinc.sunysb.edu/Stu/dcurran] [img]http://www.sinc.stonybrook.edu/Stu/dcurran/siggy_004.gif[/img] [/url]
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