OZONE Asylum
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target="_blank" FIXED WIDTH?
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The target="_blank" is what I think you mean, and yes I could do that, I was just shooting for a something flashy in that each pic has a window that fits the image to the T. Instead of a big blank window with the image shoved up to the top left. I will put up a link soon when I have more of what I am looking to do. Thank you for the info.. And to the gent that put up all that code, WOW that's awesome.. I will have to take a closer look at that and decode it I think I get the just of it. You are defining window open as w, then specifying what w does when opened, how it acts, and looks. Very nice. I will let you know what i find out. thx. Java is still very new to me. Thank You!! Does it come in an IV?
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