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helloelise: Welcome. If I understand correctly they allow you to craete the template that the blog entries are inserted into and you add <$blogentry$> to tell it where to drop these entries into. I assume the blog is this one: [url=http://www.chickenandcheese.blogspot.com]www.chickenandcheese.blogspot.com[/url] and the problem is that stuff on the right, like rant. are pushed too far down the page? I'm afraid that I'm struggling to get into the table layout and it might help if we could see the template without all the entries in it. It strikes me that there is a simple solution - ahhhhhhhhh how about the right column needs vertical-align="top" (or however, it is done in tables - wow I really have moved on from them ;) ) to make the text actually appear at the top of the right column. [edit: You should think about looking into CSS as there are things like 3 deep nested FONT tags which could be simplified and a lot of the layout could be neatened up with a few splashes of CSS - e.g. you should avoid using BLOCKQUOTE unless you are actually adding a block quote.] ___________________ Emps FAQs: [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/53/]Emperor[/url]
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