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Stupid Basic HTML
fixed length tables??
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The problem is that all the data in the left and right table cells are vertically aligned centered. Or rather - they are not specifically vertically aligned at all so they default to center. It hurts a little to slap some css in a table layout so convoluted as this, but the following worked for me: [code]<style type = "text/css"> tr *, td * {padding-top: 5px; vertical-align: top;} </style>[/code] Stick this little bit in the head of your document. It will force ANYTHING in a td element to be vertically aligned to the top of the cell. The asterisk works like a wild card, selecting anything.mYou can omit the padding if you want stuff to rise to the very top fo the cell, or tinker with the padding to vary how much breathing room looks good to you. As I said, this works for me. If this is not what you want (if you want EVERYTHING in the left and right cells to rise to the top), then you will have to reduce this to a one row, three colum table - the middle cell holds the content, the flanking cells hold the side stuff, which will now all rise to the top of the page. I assume you don't want this effect, but just thought I'd mention it.
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