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Suho1004: You said: [quote]You might also want to take a look at this article (dated 1 October 2002), which claims that the keyword tag has outlived its usefulness in getting listed in search engines.[/quote] Basically as the keywords meta tag does no harm (when not abused) and is a good way to sneak extra keywords int your HTMl you might as well leave it in. The meta tags have become less important in the search engine algorithims but as they never make clear how they figure out your results then it is probable that some search engines draw on these tags to greater or lesser degress. So leave them in ;) As bd says if you drop a link into your sig and into your cell in the FAQ then Google and other search engines will tend to pick it up (Google loves us). I am also signed up at: [url=http://www.zeal.com]www.zeal.com[/url] which is the human indexed directory of LookSmart which supplies a lot of results to an increasing number of other search engines. So if your site is non-commercial and educational I can add that there 9although if it is outisde my area of contrl it needs to be approved). ___________________ Emps FAQs: [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/53/]Emperor[/url]
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