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from the google FAQ - [quote] 4. Why doesn't Google index any of my pages? If your pages haven't been indexed yet, it's probably because there aren't enough other pages on the web that link to them. Google looks at the link interconnectedness among pages, relying on the vastness and openness of the Internet to yield the most relevant search results. If other pages don't link to yours, we can't assign your pages a PageRank (our proprietary measure of a page's importance) in a reasonable way. Once other pages point to them, we'll pick your pages up. 5. How long does the Google robot take to index a URL once it's been submitted? Depending on the timing of the submission and of our crawl, the entire process can take between six and eight weeks. [/quote] {{edit - damn you emp... }} [Emp edit: No damn you!! :p] [url=http://in-dented.com/asylum.php] [img]http://in-dented.com/sigs/indentsig.gif[/img] [/url] [This message has been edited by DL-44 (edited 04-28-2003).] [This message has been edited by Emperor (edited 04-28-2003).]
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