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Hi... I'm trying to take the content of a .doc written in word and put it in an html document. How can I do that so that the final html looks exactly like the doc? If i use the <pre> tag it does preserve the pre-format of the pasted text, but it only starts a new line where there is an explicit new line (enter key pressed at that time) in the .doc. So i'm stuck with a html document that you have to horizontally scroll for about a meter or so because i have only 4 or 5 explicit new lines, the rest are the ones that result from typing just untill the end of the line, when the editor moves the cursor by itself to a new line... Is there any way to do this because i have about 20 of the documents and writting them again inside the content of the html page would be a real pain in the a** :) Thanks [img]http://www-stud.ac.tuiasi.ro/~cbaltates/cristi/broken.gif[/img]
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