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By that logic, everyone who links to Zeldman (which is just about anybody with any interest in web design, yours truly included) will automatically get higher rankings in the search engine. I'm no expert on the algorithms used by search engines, but I'm pretty sure that it's not important who you link to, but who links to you. In other words, I can link to as many "famous" websites as I want (and many people do) and still not improve my search engine rankings. However, if those "famous" websites were to link to me, my ranking would most likely improve. A case in point is the Asylum. Google apparently loves the Asylum to bits, and things that get linked to here get high Google rankings. I have my site linked to in my sig, and I used to be as high as #2 on Google for "liminality." I say used to because now I'm somewhere on the 16th page. I would say that Google may have altered their algorithm to account for personal sites like mine, but the #1 hit for "liminality" is some typical adolescent blog. If I cared, I would attempt to figure out how I could have dropped from #2 to #160 something practically overnight. I am having difficulty mustering up the proper amount of concern, though. So, the bottom line is that links [b]from[/b] highly-perceived sites [b]may[/b] improve your ranking--but getting a high search engine ranking involves a lot of work and a good deal of luck. The way I see it, it's really a lot of hit or miss (alltheweb, for example, still ranks me #2--go figure), and not something I personally fret over. Yeah, it's nifty to see yourself on the first page of results, but that's about it. At least that's the way it is for me. [Edit: Geez... just for kicks I did a Google search on "sig rotator"--guess whose #1 :rolleyes: Google is a fickle mistress...] [img]http://liminality.org/asylum/sigs/[/img] [url=http://www.liminality.org]www.liminality.org[/url]
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