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Our air-conditioning isn't working and I'm having a melt down. (My brain is going... I can feel it. - Hal) Is there anything I can put inside a table cell that don?t take up any space but can be controlled to expand with a "width" tag? Did that make any sense at all? Let me try and explain this better.: If a TD tag is empty it's as good as not there, right? Setting a width on the TD itself won't work since it doesn't contain anything. What I have to do is fill it with something that's possible to control with a width tag. Normally I'd just throw a non breaking space or a spacer image in there. That won't work this time because sometimes the width variable has to be empty (long story). The result of a spacer image with no width or height is still 1 px at it's smallest. So can you think of something that will truly disappear when the width value is 0? Alternatively - is there some way that I can set the width of an empty TD cell that I'm forgetting? Thanks in advance! [url=http://www.blueharvest.net] [img]http://www.blueharvest.net/web/img/mini/xwing.gif[/img] [/url] [This message has been edited by BlueHarvest (edited 07-17-2003).]
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