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Thanks for thrying to help! I understand your confusion... it's difficult to explain without becoming terribly long winded. The page is being generated through a content management tool which I'm doing HTML templates for. The problem is that the content management tool needs a number of unique tags to enable users to insert images, wite text etc. These tags, if unused leave unwanted spaces behind. Like so: [code] <table> <tr> <td> {Tool specific tag which inserts an image} </td> <td width="{Tool specific tag to insert a certain number if there is an image above}"> </td> </tr> </table> [/code] Something like this is used to make sure text wraps nicely around images, with "padding" to the right, see? (Obviously I know there are far better ways of doing this but they're not available to me in this project.) Again, the problem is that the width I'm setting for the empty TD to the right of the image is ignored if there is nothing inside the cell. The cell has to be 0 pixels in width if there is no image to the left of it - so I'm looking for a way to get around this with ordinary plain ol' HTML. [url=http://www.blueharvest.net] [img]http://www.blueharvest.net/web/img/mini/xwing.gif[/img] [/url]
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