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That's right. It does, however, depend on the server you're using. A server can be set to use any file name like that, not just "index.html". (Some servers, for instance, may also look for "main.html", but not all servers.) However, 99% of the time, index.html will work. By the way; you said that you usually put all of your HTML files in an "htm" directory. Personally, I would suggest organizing slightly differently - rather than putting all your HTML files in one directory, try using multiple directories (however many are necessary) to categorize your web site into logical groups. For instance, on my site, I have an "images" directory. It has an index.html inside it, so I can give people the link [url=http://www.slimeland.com/images/]http://www.slimeland.com/images/[/url] , and it brings them to my images page. The advantage of this is that they know where they're going *before* they click on the link, just by looking at the URL. Obviously, a link that ends in "images" will have some sort of picture gallery. That's just one example. It doesn't really matter until you have a full web site with different types of content, but when you do, it's nice to have clean, simple, descriptive URLs like that. It can also help if your web site starts getting large, because the organization will keep things from getting out of hand. (Files will be easy to find.)
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