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Hi, guys. How are you? Great to hear from you, guys. Many many thanks for your replies. Could I ask a bit more? Emp: [quote]Now if I wanted to link back to my home page I could use this: /index.php but as it will default to the index file (and if it doesn't you can make it) then I much prefer to get rid of the file name so it becomes: / [/quote] Actually I am cunfused where those [b]index file[/b] has to be. For example, There are two htm files. One is home.htm, which is my index page. And another called tom.htm. Do you stay in the same folder when I use those just slash thing? And I have been wondering what is the difference between [b]/image/hiroki.jpg[/b] and [b]image/hiroki.jpg[/b] In my example, hiroki.jpg is inside of folder image, isn't it? What does slash in front of the first example do??? Hmm...Please help. Hiroki Kozai [This message has been edited by Hiroki (edited 08-01-2003).]
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