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It has to do with the way a web server is set up. There are certain file names that are set as default so that the server knows which page to serve up. For example, when going to a link such as [url=http://www.google.com,]http://www.google.com,[/url] you're actually going to [url=http://www.google.com/index.html,]http://www.google.com/index.html,[/url] or whatever page they set as their default. On most web servers, index.htm, index.html are set as the default index pages. As a more concrete example, if you go to [url=http://www.blueskynet.as/alo]www.blueskynet.as/alo[/url] you'll see that you're really looking at [url=http://www.blueskynet.as/alo/index.html]www.blueskynet.as/alo/index.html[/url] becuase I have an index.html file in that directory. But if you go to [url=http://www.blueskynet.as/alo/ozone]www.blueskynet.as/alo/ozone[/url], you'll notice that you get a listing of the files in that directory since there's no index.html file in there and the web server doesn't have a default page to present. Note that you can use any file as your default, it doesn't have to be index.html [url=http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/target=display_nation/nation=silencus_es_auro] [img]http://www.blueskynet.as/alo/ozone/bomb.gif[/img] [/url]
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