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I think I'm a reasonably intelligent person...but there is no top frame. There is a left frame, and a right frame. If you are asking about the left frame (the one containing the menu, on a black background), then I have a solution to your issue: After the code generated by Angelfire (messy, bad, bad, bad) you have a table defined that holds all the graphics for the menu. My suggestion would be to remove the table. There is no purpose for it. Use line breaks (<br /> ) rather than all that extra code. Because the <tr> and <td> opening tags are on seperate lines, you're getting extra line feed. Without removing the table, just make sure that you don't have linebreaks in your code between tags. It's creating non-breaking space (  ;) that is then truncated by the rendering. If that's not it, it's the Angelfire code, over which you exert no control. But, seriously, lose the table on that side. There is absolutely no reason for it. -S
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