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I've got a recently-launched [url=http://www.fazioautomotive.com]site[/url] which is just now starting to show in search engines. In MSN's search engine, it shows up in the results of some targetted search terms, but it's one particularly wordy page -- history.php -- that is getting indexed. Anyone know a handy way of telling web robots to report the home page (index.php) if they like what they see on history.php -- which is only one click down? I know all about using robots.txt to tell search engines to go home, but I don't know how to get more fine-grained control, or even if I can. Failing that, I guess my alternative would be to figure out what the robots like about history.php, and put [i]even more[/i] of it on the home page. By the way, I understand that web searchers want to cut to the chase and go straight to the page with their information on it, but the search term is "milwaukee auto repair," and thus the home page is a better bet to fit their needs. Then again, the history page at least has obvious standard nav links... so it's not a giant deal. [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/1250]Cell 1250[/url] :: [url=http://www.alanmacdougall.com]alanmacdougall.com[/url] :: [url=http://www.gurusnetwork.com/tutorials/illustrator/index.html]Illustrator tips[/url]
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