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space in my table...
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Hey guys, I've been looking and looking and I'm missing it. Can't believe I'm posting in the stupid html section. but here goes: I'm customizing an invisionboard forum: [url=http://forums.ectaviation.com]http://forum.ectaviation.com[/url] . In my categories boxes I have a table nested within another table with a graphic boarder around it. Problem is I get a small space at the very bottom, where it should connect. :(, ( if you look at it you'll see what I mean. ) Heres my code: <!--start category title --> <table width="750" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="750" height="25" valign="top" background="http://www.ectaviation.com/forums/forum_images/forum_category_top.gif" class="maintitle"> <img src='style_images/1/nav_m.gif' border='0' alt='>' width='8' height='8' /><a href="http://www.ectaviation.com/forums/index.php?c=3">category 2</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="115" valign="middle" background="http://www.ectaviation.com/forums/forum_images/forum_category_middle.gif" align="center"> <table width="730" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" valign="center"> <tr> <th align="center" width="2%" class='titlemedium'><img src="style_images/1/spacer.gif" alt="" width="28" height="1" /></th> <th align="left" width="59%" class='titlemedium'>Forum</th> <th align="center" width="7%" class='titlemedium'>Topics</th> <th align="center" width="7%" class='titlemedium'>Replies</th> <th align="left" width="25%" class='titlemedium'>Last Post Info</th> </tr><tr> <td class="row4" align="center"><img src='style_images/1/bf_nonew.gif' border='0' alt='No New Posts' /></td> <td class="row4"><b><a href="http://www.ectaviation.com/forums/index.php?showforum=2">category 2</a></b><br /><span class='desc'>testing a second category.<br /></span></td> <td class="row2" align="center">0</td> <td class="row2" align="center">0</td> <td class="row2" nowrap="nowrap">--<br />In: ----<br />By: </td> </tr><tr> <td class='darkrow2' colspan="5">test </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="7" valign="top" background="img src="http://www.ectaviation.com/forums/forum_images/forum_category_bottom.gif" width="750" height="7"><img src="http://www.ectaviation.com/forums/forum_images/forum_category_bottom.gif" width="750" height="7"></td> </tr> </table> <P> <!-- end category table --> The stylesheet in inlined so you can check that out as well. I really just cant seem to find it.. [img]http://www.zerooneproductions.net/sigs/graphitti_jive.gif[/img] [This message has been edited by jive (edited 11-01-2003).]
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