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Stupid Basic HTML
getting div and p to play nice
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I've been awhile from hand coding for a bit, but it's time to get back into it. I have a div and it's all good. Position, padding, and margins. That is, as long as I use just div and content. Like: [div] content [/div] Cool beans. However, I get extra vertical space when I use p with the content: [div] [p] content [/p] [p] more content [/p] [/div] That's not good, and I'm not sure about an appropriate fix. I suppose I could toss in some extra div to replace the p. Something like: [div1] [div2] content [/div2] [div2] more content [/div2] [/div1] But I would like to avoid that if there is a better, more "correct" solution. I suspect something like p.span or p.whatever or something, but I don't know much about these inline things. Feel free to toss some insight my way. (Once I get this done, time to dig back into PHP.) edit: p.whatever p class="whatever" seems to do the job Now, is there a way to adjust the space between the p tags? A little too far for my tastes. Hmmm... I've to check the container properties. [This message has been edited by warjournal (edited 11-13-2003).]
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