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This is driving me absolutely batty. In Tech-Slop, I use tables for the content. At the time, it was a matter of convience. However, I am working on something along the same lines and I'm trying to use CSS instead of tables to format similiar content. You know, content with lots of images with perhaps a few words to go with each one. For example, [url=http://w3.chrlmi.cablespeed.com/~halmich/tech-slop/brokenchina/index.shtml]Broken China[/url]. For the life of me, I can't figure out how to do the same thing with CSS. Either everything jumbles together, or I get a boat load of errors when I try to validate. Sure, I can do a basic lay-out with CSS, but I know next to nothing about formatting content. So far, the only thing I have been able to figure out is to use {display: inline-table;}, but that's about it. What is the proper way to go about doing such content with CSS? edit: Crud! I'm being an idiot again. All I had to do is change id to class. I did indeed do it all for the nookie. [This message has been edited by warjournal (edited 11-22-2003).]
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