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Ah, fuck it. Thought about starting a new thread, but I just plain don't want to. Right now, I'm in the mood for some follow along with WJ. I used to be very proficient with HTML and CSS. Gave it up for awhile to focus on other things. Back when I was teaching myself HTML and CSS, I spent quite a few hours banging my head trying to figure certain things out. Now, I have to relearn all of that stuff because I have been away from it for so long. Back then, I didn't mind banging my head. Now, because I used to be proficient, I detest banging my head. Hence, I'm much quicker to jump the gun as evidented by two recent silly posts. Earlier today I did a major boo-boo. Since I'm getting into PHP, certain things have to be done when using & in the URL in order to avoid errors. Being the suave chump that I am, I did a global search-a-replace: & > &. The chump part is that I used the wildcard *.* to make sure that I got all files. Sure enough, I got all of the files. Now I have to redo all of those lovely graphics that I had laboured over. Plus I had to hunt down all that got converted to &nbsp;. I'm also following some advice that I had read at W3C a long time ago. They say that it's good to declare the XML do-hicky even if you aren't using it explicitly. So I am, but the XML thingy is escaped with <?, which is also used for PHP. Talk about a nightmare, especially with ?> tossed in at the end of the XML thingamabob. Over at PHP.net, I had read about how to do it properly with echo, but I couldn't find my way back to the page. After some more head banging, I finally got it echoed properly with some \" and "." tricks. Everytime I read those little nuggets, I usually cut-n-paste into a notes.txt that I have laying around. Apparently I haven't been doing it nearly enough as of late. More head banging. Ah, PHP. For some reason, the PHP on my local host if very temperamental. If there are five different ways of doing things, my PHP will only like one of them, and I'm left to trial-n-error. Don't get me started on parsing a URL, not to mention the lack of query_string and other global constants (or whatever those things are callled). Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a buttload of ids to turn into classes. Gotta have that validation don't ya know. Then I have to clean up my PHP chunks and put in some nosey visitor error handling. Promises to be fun. edit: {width: inherit;} and {width: 100%;} are not the same thing. In this one particular case they should be, but they are not. At least, I think they should be. ~scratches head~ You know, I'm starting to hate IE for making correct assumptions about poor code. It's allowing me to be sloppy and I don't need that right now. That is, I don't always catch the sloppiness until it's way too late. That's not shagadelic. [This message has been edited by warjournal (edited 11-23-2003).]
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