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Tude, I understand your question sounds simple to you. First of all, let me say welcome, but... [quote] If someone are kind enough to help me I can email the html documentation and u can fill in som of it for me just to show a bit and I can fill in the rest my self. [/quote] If I get you right, [b]my[/b] answer resides... here: [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/Forum1/HTML/008127.html]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/Forum1/HTML/008127.html[/url] To put it in a more polite way, since you had the patience to come here, ask, and try to understand, there's no way anyone of us can do it [b]for[/b] you. We often try to "teach a man how to fish" instead of giving him a fish, let alone the fact some of us have lives (some do?). So, I am not really understanding your request, but I am fearing the worse: if you're asking someone to "do your homework or work" in your place, read the thread linked above. [This message has been edited by InI (edited 12-11-2003).]
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