OZONE Asylum
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Webdesign Wants You!
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...or maybe I want webdesign. I have seen alot of people write messages saying that they would like to do this as a profession. I also realize that there are many people in the Asylum that already do! The purpose of this thread is educational. My question or request: What should a person know to prepare himself/herself for a career in Web Design, Web Management, or Web Implementation. If that is to broad...how about just Web Design. Personally, I have the last year learning HTML, Photoshop, Dreamweaver. This allowed me to make websites that I could profit from (I have only done one at current, but hey...one is better than none!). Although this site does not compare to many of the sites made by members of the Asylum, it was still good enough for me to make a lil' cash. I now realize that I need to know more...instead of just cutting and pasting javascripts; I want to learn how to author them. I feel this will help me when I tackle DHTML. Now...Server-side scripts...such as ASP and PHP...wow...im not even there yet...but it seems really important. Have I left anything out? I dunno... holla back Phortay
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