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*full disclosure* I get bored at my job.. I ring around friends in my business.... they tell me whats hot , or whats not.. I fax my resume... the office manager usually will then call me for a telephone interview and/or ask his current designers if they have heard of me and what they think (heres where the reputation is VERY important). I am not a graphic artsist so I dont know if the free lance/contract side of graphic artists work in the same way as it does for free lance/contract automotive designers.. but it might just! :) and if it don't it should heh.. well imho.. thinking about it.. I wonder if my field of design is smaller or larger than the graphics field?.. anyone know?.. just out of interest... oh ya.. Happy 200th post Mobrul! ~Vp~ ediot: my fart fingers agin [This message has been edited by vogonpoet (edited 06-13-2001).]
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