OZONE Asylum
Outpatient Counseling
Graphic or Tech
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I am at a great divergence in my life regaurding this. I am a great computer technician. no I don't know everything or pretend to but I do enjoy it. I also love to do graphics. I started with Corel 4 found photoshop and got a book and found Doc's tutorials. My current job although it uses my technical skills sucks. If you have a US Robitocs Modem and you call for support you will possibly talk to me, especially if it is a ISDN modem the new cable modem or any of the new non-3com networking products. What sucks? It gets old fixing peoples problems on the phone everyday. Esppecially when you are helping techs getting paid $40 buck and hour who call you at $far less an hour to fix their problem. The company (and I don't mean USR) has no realistic room to move up so I must move on. That part is obvious. My dilema Graphics or Technical. Ya in a perfect world I might can do both and $ for more education comes to play in both but what can I better make a living at. There is a comunty collage that has a multimedia and design course, I by course I don't mean 1 class, it seems to be a complete deal ( [url=http://www.utahcollege.com/]http://www.utahcollege.com/[/url] ) but I may have to quit work all together to make it happen. Tech schools may have some better schedules and there are a billion of them but I think I prefferd univ. extension or online courses. Neither are easy and i don't expect you guys to make my decision for me but input always helps.
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