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Good pointers for freelance wannabees
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Yah, I've been in that situation before too, DmS! One of my "red flags" is when I see the words "must be searchable" somewhere around bullet point #23. The client is picturing a combination of Yahoo, Alta Vista and Google, with all sorts of variations and weightings, and the Sales guy just heard a Tech say he could hook up a basic search engine in about an hour. Hmm, if only the client actually *wanted* a basic search engine! :) (BTW, to put things in perspective, 10.70:- SEK equals about a buck USD.) Anyway you slice it though, burned is burned, and a big company losing a half million dollars is sometimes less painful than *you* losing $5000! DmS, whereabouts you working nowadays? I'm in the market for a company that is not going bankrupt! =) Drop me a mail if you have any leads in the Stockholm area, cool? Your pal, -doc- [url=http://www.ozones.com/] [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/examples/ozoneSIGc.gif[/img] [/url]
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